BluePoint Brussels
Bd Auguste Reyers 80,
1030 Brussels

12h30: Welcome drink et Walking Dinner
14h00: Congress
17h30: Networking drink

Number of places available: 120
Member price: €0
Non-member price: €250

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Has the future caught up with us?



Keynote Speaker, author, learning strategist on innovations

Katja Schipperheijn is an internationally recognised keynote speaker, author, learning strategist on innovations that support the future of work, learning and growth in an increasingly fast-changing world. As an author, Katja gained international fame with her inspiring book ‘Learning Ecosystems' finalist best international business book in 2023. Besides her work with multinationals, startups and universities, she draws her energy as a philanthropist among children. She is also founder of the sCooledu foundation with which she reached more than 15 000 children who participated in her workshop on digital citizenship.


Has the future caught up with us

In these times of ever-faster innovation, the impact on us as human beings and on the future of work is often overwhelming. In this often provocative keynote, Katja Schipperheijn looks at the future that already seems to have caught up with us. Often inspired by the more than 15,000 children she had in her workshops, she brings innovations like ChatGPT, but also hyperreal alternative worlds, in which we can live, work and learn. In the learning ecosystems she outlines, she combines technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, video and 3D holographic avatars with NFTs and blockchain. Bringing these new digital innovations together creates unprecedented combinations that offer possibilities beyond our imagination. Will we all soon enter this new world with the MetaHuman creator, digital contact lenses or even brain implants? Based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business book, this keynote is ideally suited to executives who want to create the future themselves through continuous improvement, innovation and a learning culture with engaged employees.




Founder of X-conscious

Cracking the Code of Successful Human Capital Transformation Projects


Why do so many initiatives related to human capital go wrong?

Trying to change corporate culture, installing new HR technologies, or many learning events have low success rates impacting business results.

In our proceed for successful transformation, it is essential to start with a thorough root-cause analysis of problems. Also, stakeholder involvement, exemplary leadership, nimble strategies, and the courage to question everything that offers a learning opportunity are just a few reasons you should attend this keynote.

An De Boelpaep shares her insights regarding these widespread organizational pain points using practical examples in talent attraction, development, and engagement. As an audience, you will be inspired and ready to choose focused projects that support your organization.

An De Boelpaep focuses on opportunities for human talent that put personal growth and sustainable business objectives first. She aims for practical solutions that lead to measurable results. Co-creation and adaptability are the most important values she can draw on for herself. An falls back on years of experience leading learning and development projects at multinationals such as Pfizer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (USAID), Ineos, Etex, Prothya, and international social projects.


Account manager Health Connect

HealthConnect -

HealthConnect is a Belgian company focusing on integration architectures, software development, project management and eHealth integration in the healthcare sector. Drawing on extensive experience in these fields, HealthConnect provides services to healthcare providers, healthcare institutions, mutual insurance companies, governments and others.

HealthConnect was launched in 2010 and has been part of the Corilus Group since 2013.


Focus on the Helena application.


Helena is a platform offering a range of services enabling users to authenticate, communicate with their caregivers and access their medical documents in the most secure and user-friendly way possible.

This platform meets patients' needs for easier access to their medical data.


Today, we have over 1 million active users on Helena and this number is still growing.


With Helena we enable patients to exchange medical data securely from end to end in a closed ecosystem involving doctors and specialists (both primary and secondary care), pharmacies, nurses, physiotherapists, care staff, etc...  on condition that the patient has given his or her consent to the sharing of his or her health data with these providers.


Today there is a wide variety of digital sources where patients can consult their data: Hubs, Vitalink, laboratory systems, …


Helena centralizes data at patient level while respecting the data that remains in local sources.



Katrien Thorré

General management of RECIP-E.

Recip-e asbl is the "multidisciplinary" team contributing to the creation of electronic prescribing in the Belgian healthcare sector. The non-profit organization is made up of representatives of doctors, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists and (home) nurses. The Recip-e project is aimed at the electronic dispensing of prescriptions in the healthcare sector, and is part of the national e-health plan. Thanks to Recip-e, prescribers can now send prescriptions electronically and securely to a server. Each prescription is stored in encrypted form until the patient "retrieves" it from a healthcare provider (pharmacist, physiotherapist, nurse). Since September 15, 2021, this procedure can be carried out completely dematerialized, thanks to the electronic identity card or national registry number.

Changes are expected with the introduction of "referral prescriptions". Ms Thorré will explain the issues involved and the implications for healthcare professionals.

The final number of inscriptions is reached


Registration available until 19/10/2023