Fosbury and sons
Alfons Gossetlaan 40,
1702 Dilbeek

18h30 : Welcome drink

19h00 : Congress

20h35 : Walking Dinner

Nombre de places disponibles : 70
Prix Membre : 0€
Prix Non Membre : 250€

See all events


The future of the medical sales representative and their coaching


Anne-Françoise Peigneux


« Motivate to perform. What coaching techniques should be used?"

For one hour, Anne-Françoise will introduce you to some NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) concepts to help you coach your medical sales representatives:

- the GROW model by John Whitmore

- Robert Dilts' logic levels


Who is Anne-François Peigneux?

B-Efficient SPRL– Formatrice et Coach trilingue (2014 - )

• Outplacement via Lee Hecht Harrison

• Diverses formations destinées à des demandeurs d'emploi (techniques

de sollicitation et d'interviews, assertivité, communication, confiance

en soi, etc..)

• Coaching d'orientation de carrière

• Consultance en ressources humaines

• Assessments



Bruno M. Wattenbergh

Chairman du EY Belgium Innovation Board - Teacher of strategy & Entrepreneurship at Solvay Business school

Topic :

Manage your sales reps on the field with a data-driven approach to improve their efficiency.
By collecting data from your different sources you can get insight to assist and boost your sales approach be more efficient on many different levels (like managing your team, your territory and your customers & prospects)

Who is Bruno :

Bruno is a businessman, a consultant specialised in strategy and entrepreneurship.
Besides many years of teaching at university (Solvay Business School) and coaching young entrepreneurs ( MIT Sloan - Boston), Bruno has developed an expertise in the reengineering and development of businesses supporting public institutions.
He also had the opportunity to be on air for 5 years on BelRtl (Belgium's largest French-speaking radio station) every morning on the topic of business.

The final number of inscriptions is reached


Registration available until 15/09/2022