Lundbeck sa/nv

Membres effectifs

Avenue Louise 65, box 11
1050 Brussels
Tel. 02 535 79 79

BTW : BE 0401 985 024



The Core of Who We Are

With more than 70 years of neuroscience expertise, Lundbeck has developed and commercialized some of the world's most widely prescribed therapies for brain diseases. Behind the science lies dedicated researchers, novel ideas, and a passion to make a difference.

Our Core is R&D

Researching and developing transformative medicines is at the core of what we do. Our efforts are driven by our dedicated employees in our own R&D units. Further, we also fund independent research and collaborate closely with partners all over the world.

From Idea to Patient

Developing innovative and safe treatments is complex. It takes approximately 10-15 years for a new drug to move through the pharmaceutical value chain from when an idea is conceived until an approved treatment is made available to patients.


Committed to providing transformative outcomes to people living with brain disease

We work tirelessly to restoring brain health because:


  • Brain health conditions impacts almost 3 billion people worldwide.1
  • Brain disorders cost 10% of the world's GDP.2
  • People living with brain disease live between 10-20 years less than healthy individuals.3
  • The World Health Organization estimates that the global economy loses about 1 trillion USD a year in productivity due to depression and anxiety alone.4

Our commitment is to empower patients to give them the tools and resources they need to understand their disease and its unfolding.


Our commitment is to continuously challenge status quo and push our science further to make real differences for patients.


Our commitment is to families to bring evidence-based data, visibility and support to their work in managing a chronic disease.


Our commitment is to communities to end the stigma, fear, and silence that surrounds brain diseases.


Our commitment is to society, to increase access to medicines for the most vulnerable, to act responsibly towards the environment and to behave with respect and integrity in everything we do. 

Lid worden

De vereniging is samengesteld uit effectieve leden en adherente leden.

De effectieve leden zijn producenten van farmaceutische producten en invoerders en concessiehouders van farmaceutische producten. Daarnaast kunnen alle bedrijven die gezondheidsproducten op de markt brengen zich aansluiten als effectief lid.

De adherente leden zijn dienstverlenende bedrijven zoals verdelers van en groothandelaars in farmaceutische producten, de uitgevers- en productiemaatschappijen van media voor de geneeskundige beroepen en meer algemeen elk bedrijf dat een dienstverlenende activiteit uitoefent in de farmaceutische sector.

U kan lid worden door de onderstaande pdf te downloaden en het ingevulde document te versturen naar e-mail adres .

Uw bedrijf is
Een farmaceutisch bedrijf of brengt medische hulpmiddelen op de markt: Aansluiting als
 Effectief lid

Uw firma is
Een bedrijf oefent een dienstverlenende activiteit uit in de farmaceutische sector:
Aansluiting als adherente lid

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